Tapanhona River runs of from the GyanaShield towards Marowijne River and the Atlantic Ocean. The river flows through a zone with heavy illegal goldmining. The mercury that is used for washing the gold leaves the zone poisoned forever, since mercury is accumulating heavy metal. No fish left for the originakl Wayana People that originally inhabits the zone.
El río Tapanhona fluye desde el escudo Gyana hacia el río Marowijne y el océano Atlántico. El río atraviesa una zona con una intensa minería ilegal de oro. El mercurio que se utiliza para lavar el oro envenena la zona para siempre, ya que el mercurio acumula metales pesados. No quedan peces para el pueblo Wayana, que originalmente habitaba la zona.

Manioc preparation, as honored staple food

in front of her dwelling, where she just buried her baby, probably died of mercury poisoning